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Equine 74 Gastric

Equine 74 Gastric

Regular price €81,39 EUR
Regular price €81,39 EUR Sale price €81,39 EUR
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Equine 74 Gastric is a supplement for horses and ponies that absorbs excess gastric acid due to feeding and stress, thus buffering the pH in the horse's stomach.

Our 30-day money-back guarantee only applies to the 2 kg pack of Equine 74® Gastric Pellets or Powder!

Prices per kg:
2 kg = € 39.95
6 kg = € 37.50
20 kg = € 37.00

Feeding recommendation

  • Horses and Ponies ≤ 300 kg = 25-30 g
  • Horses and Ponies ≤ 600 kg = 50-60 g
  • Horses and Ponies > 600 kg =60-100 g

Shipping information

Delivery time:

  • Germany 3 - 5 days
  • Europe 5 - 8 days
  • Outside Europe 8 - 14 days
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Our products have been tested and you can see the impressive results here.


Equine 74® Gastric does not contain any ingredient known to contravene the Jockey Club, FEI or BSJA rules.

In the image: Konstantin Künnemann, Danish young show jumper

  • What is Equine 74 Gastric?

    Equine 74 Gastric is a supplement for horses and ponies that absorbs excess gastric acid caused by feeding and stress, thus buffering the pH value in the horse's stomach.

    Sports and leisure riders, amateurs, world champions and Olympic champions feed it to their horses daily.

  • Where does Equine 74 Gastric come from?

    From the coast of Iceland, processed in Ireland and Germany, 100% natural.

    Equine 74 Gastric is obtained from a special calcareous Marine Algae, Lithothamnion Glaciale (Maerl). This is harvested from the seabed off the coast of Iceland and then subject to gentle drying processes in Ireland.

    The raw material is then processed and packaged in various production steps in Germany – thus the label Made in Germany.

  • How does Equine 74 Gastric work?

    Equine 74 Gastric works like a sponge to absorb excess gastric acid.

    The red algae – the natural basis of Equine 74 Gastric – contain 74 different minerals, including large amounts of calcium and magnesium, which have high bioavailability. Equine 74 Gastric’s high calcium and magnesium content and its unique sponge properties provide up to 2.5 times more acid buffer capacity than equine gastric acid supplements obtained from limestone.

    This means that Equine 74 Gastric can buffer more gastric acid than conventional products containing calcium. Equine 74 Gastric absorbs excess gastric acid like a sponge to ensure a more balanced pH level in the horse's stomach. The excess acid can no longer attack the stomach lining, thus preventing the development of gastric ulcers.

    The feed then passes into the intestine with no hyperacidity. This creates more equilibrium amongst intestinal flora, allowing the intestinal microbes to work better, usually leading to an improved absorption of feed.

  • How should I administer Equine 74 Gastric?

    Feed 50 grammes daily to combat hyperacidity of stomach contents.

    Equine 74 Gastric is available in both powder and pellet form. Depending on the horse and preference, it can be fed straight from your hand or added to the horse’s normal feed.

    Both the powder and the pellets can be mixed with moist feed such as mash or “Schlonzi” with no lost benefits. When adding powder, the feed should be fed within 10-15 minutes due to the yeast added here.

    We recommend to feed Equine 74 Gastric twice a day, each time half the recommended daily amount. If this is not possible, feed once daily.

Customer Reviews

Based on 195 reviews
Andrea Eßer
Noch zu früh für eine Aussagekräftige Bewertung

Da ich das Pulver noch keine 2 Wochen füttere kann ich keine aussagekräftige Bewertung der Wirkung machen. Nach einem langsamen anfüttern wird das Pulver akzeptiert. Leider wie gesagt reicht mir die Zeit der Fütterung (14 Tage aktuell) noch nicht um eine aussagekräftige Einschätzung zur Wirkung geben zu können.

Sabine Eichmann

Ich füttere Equine 74 Gastic seit 10 Tagen und habe noch keine Besserung gemerkt aber es ist vielleicht noch zu früh

Gisela Hofmann
sehr zu empfehlen

Luft im Bauch ist deutlich besser geworden. Auch das allgemeine Wohlbefinden hat sich extrem verbessert. Ich werde es weiterhin kaufen.

Sabine Ernst
Super Produkt!

Meine magengeplagte Stute frisst Equine 74 problemlos. Seit ich die Pellets gebe, in Verbindung mit angepasstem Futter, haben die ihre Probelme sehr deutlich reduziert und es geht ihr sehr viel besser! Ich werde es dauerhaft füttern, da mich das Zusatzfutter überzeugt!

Barbara Koehler-Schallwig
Wirksame Hilfe

Endlich hat etwas wirklich geholfen